Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich

Special Price!!! Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller,  Zurich
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Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller,  Zurich

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich <<

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich Feature

  • Accepts all Graco SnugRide, SnugRide 32 and Infant Safe Seat Car Seats
  • Compact One-hand fold- 20% smaller when closed as compared to Graco Duo Glider Stroller
  • Parent storage tray with two cup holders keeps keys and drinks handy
  • Easy access drop-down basket lets you reach in without disturbing reclined child
  • Elevated rear seat so everyone gets a good view up to 50 pounds

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich Overview

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Strollers Wow! One baby is challenging enough, but two?! Allow and Graco to give you a little bit of help. With your hands full, Graco knows that convenience and ease of use top your priorities list. For a quick transfer from car to stroller, the Quattro Tour Duo Stroller accepts not one, but two Graco SnugRide or infant SafeSeat car seats. Making the transition even easier, the stroller has an simple, compact one-hand fold and is only 39 pounds - lightweight

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This Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller,  Zurich

Limited Offer Today!! Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Science Fiction & Fantasy Books

Potty Training Secrets: How To Make It Successful and Fun

Diapers costing you a fortune? It may be time to tackle one of the most important challenges in your young child's life... the dreaded potty training experience.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

One of the most common questions that I am asked is in regards to subject. Many parents will ask me something like this:

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

"Do you have any tips on potty training a two year old, that has no desire to

I have been very lucky in my own four children that they potty trained literally
on their own, but I have had several daycare kids that were not as interested in
this phase of their little lives.

First of all I know that everyone says not to push them, but it is very true. DO
NOT try and force the issue. As a parent we must learn to pick our battles with
our children and this is one that is not easily won, if they are not ready for
it. I started out with "Potty Training" books. There are a lot of different
ones out there at your local library, or bookstores (I saw a cute hardcover one
at Wal-Mart yesterday called "I Have To Go Potty!" It was under .00). There
are also many different videos on this topic as well, I know that Dora, and
Barney have their own videos on potty training.

Second, talk to your child about the potty in their language. For example:
"Mommy and Daddy go pee pee and poopy on the potty, do you think sometime you
want to go potty too like Mommy and Daddy?" Make any conversation with them at
their level and also answer their questions if they have any.

Third, this is a HUGE deal, so make a big deal out of it. Take your child
shopping, have them help in picking out the potty chair or a package of their
very own "Big Kid" underwear. Also make sure that you have rewards for them.
Whether this be M&M's, dum dum suckers, skittles, raisins, whatever is a
motivator to your child. Purchase those items with your child and make sure to
remind them, that the candy is for after they go potty on the potty. (If you do
purchase candy, make sure it is something little that you can easily manage,
because if you give them a whole bag of M&M's each time they go potty, you will
have one hyper child, just a few m&m's or skittles at a time and that is why if
you purchase suckers go with the smaller ones.) Once your child has the hang of
potty training and you are working on night training, again take them to the
store and have them pick out something special to them, a stuffed animal, new

video, a new book, game, truck, barbie, etc. Tell them that once they are dry
all the time and have no more diapers then you and your child will go purchase
that special item, "because they are a BIG boy or GIRL." I can't stress enough
to involve them and make them feel important!!!

If you child is hestitate about even sitting on the potty, do not push them, but
make a big deal out of it, when he/she does finally sit on the potty. Encourage
him/her to sit on the potty with their diaper on at first if they are too afraid.
Gradually work to take the diaper off of them when they are on the potty. Also
look for the signs that your child may have that they are about to go potty in
their diaper, and then ask them then if they want to go use the potty (remind
them of the treat at the end if they do go). Reward them for every little step
that they take, so that they feel important. I use to make up a potty dance with
my kids. Every time after they went, we would do the potty dance together, and
many times even after I went to the bathroom, my kids would do the potty dance
for me, because they were then proud of my accomplishment as well. This may
sound corny, but it is a great way to motivate your children in not just potty
training, but I'll save that for another article.

You can never encourage your children enough in anything, so start the
cheerleading team and "GO POTTY TRAIN!"

Remember, stay positive, go slow and have fun with you child during this trying
process! Good Luck.

Potty Training Secrets: How To Make It Successful and Fun
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Special Price!!! Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller,  Zurich
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Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller,  Zurich

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich <<

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich Feature

  • Accepts all Graco SnugRide, SnugRide 32 and Infant Safe Seat Car Seats
  • Compact One-hand fold- 20% smaller when closed as compared to Graco Duo Glider Stroller
  • Parent storage tray with two cup holders keeps keys and drinks handy
  • Easy access drop-down basket lets you reach in without disturbing reclined child
  • Elevated rear seat so everyone gets a good view up to 50 pounds

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich Overview

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Strollers Wow! One baby is challenging enough, but two?! Allow and Graco to give you a little bit of help. With your hands full, Graco knows that convenience and ease of use top your priorities list. For a quick transfer from car to stroller, the Quattro Tour Duo Stroller accepts not one, but two Graco SnugRide or infant SafeSeat car seats. Making the transition even easier, the stroller has an simple, compact one-hand fold and is only 39 pounds - lightweight

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Available In Stock.

This Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

Price : Click to Check Update Prices Please.

Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller,  Zurich

Limited Offer Today!! Graco Quattro Tour Duo Stroller, Zurich Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Speaker Systems For Home

Tantrums - Breaking the Cycle

Tantrums don't suddenly appear. They are learned. Controlling or eliminating tantrums isn't complicated, but it is hard work. It will be easier if you keep one simple premise in mind: Tantrums aren't personal.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Toddlers and pre-school children don't throw tantrums because they want to be naughty. They don't scream and yell because they want to hurt you. Children throw tantrums because they work. It is your job to make tantrums fail.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

"Can I have a lollipop?"

This sentence, when uttered in a crowded supermarket, has the power to invoke a racing heart and sweating palms in many parents.

The answer is no. The child raises her voice.
The answer is still no. The child drops to the floor.
The answer turns into a discussion and the child's voice increases in volume. The tears flow, the shrieks begin and, after a few parental self-conscious glances at near by shoppers ... the answer becomes yes.

Sound familiar?

What makes the child in the next aisle accept 'no' with a shrug of the shoulders or a nod? Why is your child the one who throws tantrums?

There is no easy answer to this question, but there are some patterns of thinking and practical methods that you can use to break the cycle.

It is a simple, yet powerful fact. A child's behavior can be modified. Rewarding a behavior will increase the occurrence of that behavior. Ignoring it will decrease, and often eliminate the behavior.

A child who throws tantrums receives this message: If I yell loud enough and long enough, I'll get what I want.

The message you want them to receive is: It doesn't matter how long or hard I yell, I'm not going to get what I want.

The tantrums may be just developing. They may have been an unhappy part of family life for months or even years. Whatever the situation, if they're still happening, they're working.

So, how do you start?

* Commit yourself. When you decide to eliminate tantrums from your life, you are not fighting your child. You are in a battle for the good of your child. You will create a more peaceful home environment and closer relationships within your family. You will also teach your child self-discipline. This is a vital skill when dealing with society. Teachers, bosses and most friends will not crumble under the weight of your child's demands.

Tantrums won't disappear immediately. If your child is just beginning to learn the components of a truly inspired tantrum, you may not have far to go. A few unwavering sessions may be all that is needed. If, however, your child has been honing his tantrum technique for months or even years, success may take a little longer. Even so, with consistency and perseverance, it will work.

* Identify the triggers. When do most tantrums occur? Are they sparked by bedtime? Meal times? When shopping? While you are on the phone? Make a list and be aware. Find ways to help your child succeed. If eating dinner is a problem, give her tiny portions. If too much TV is a problem, offer more interesting alternatives.

* Clarify the rules to yourself. Before you enter a tantrum-triggering zone, make sure that your rules are reasonable and consistent. There are no compromises at this stage. If your child refuses to eat dinner but insists on dessert, choose one phrase. "Dinner, then dessert." This way, when the begging starts or questions are fired at you, you can respond with a simple, repetitive, sanity-saving comment. No discussion is necessary.

* Clarify the rules to your child. Before entering a situation that is likely to provoke a tantrum, calmly and firmly explain what is expected of your child. "You may watch this program. When it is over, the TV is turned off. Do you agree?" If a tantrum occurs when the TV is turned off after the program, your phrase can be, "We agreed, no more TV today."

* Stay Calm. Easier said than done. Try to tune out. Try to ignore the unwanted behavior by not responding or responding only with your practiced phrase. A child will eventually realize that she's getting nowhere. She'll turn up the heat. The cries may become screeches and dinner may be thrown across the room (you may want to remove her plate before she gets to this stage). That's OK. She's getting the message. If you do not react, she will realize. Her tantrum isn't working.

* Don't give up. This is imperative. If you usually give in after five minutes and this time, you held out for ten, next time you're in for a longer stint. In your child's mind, the tantrum still worked, she just had to work a little harder. So will you.

* Reward immediately. If you stick with it, eventually your child will see that the tantrums no longer have any effect. As soon as you see the tiniest improvement, offer a reward. This doesn't mean change your rules. If your child screams for only two minutes instead of three and then agrees to turn off the TV, don't reward her with more TV. You will be sending her a mixed message. Reward her with a story, a walk or a hug. "You cried much less today than you did last time. Good for you."

Taming tantrums is challenging and rewarding. Be gentle with yourself. There will be setbacks and days when things seem worse. It can be difficult but it's temporary. When your child's smile begins to shine through the haze of anger and frustration, you will agree. The long-term benefits are worth it.

Ann Harth © 2005

Tantrums - Breaking the Cycle
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Special Price!!! Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe

Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe
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Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe <<

Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe Feature

  • Easy scissor fold
  • Fixed handles
  • 3-point harness
  • 4" front and rear wheel size
  • Holds child up to 40 pounds

Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe Overview

This giraffe ornament can be personalized with your child's name on his belly. This is great to hang on a wall or with a suction cup on a mirror or window. You can also use it as a name tag on a gift. 4"H x 2.5"W. Resin

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This Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe

Limited Offer Today!! Cosco Umbrella Stroller, Giraffe Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Cordless Reciprocating Saw Yamaha 7.1 Receiver Table Saw Tools

Uncommon Baby Clothes and Gifts

While there are many people out there who are looking for that "perfect" gift. Most of them won't think outside of the box, when it comes to obtaining an un-common or different gift or baby clothing item. Instead, they will normally pick up your 'average' and run of the mill infant one piece; that has been resting on a rack full of pastel colors. That, or you may find the next best gift that many give, is that of an infant gift-basket; that offers little more than a poor selection of infant cleansing items.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

How do you break free of this monotonous grind, when you are looking for that perfect gift for the newborn? Well, you first need to stop thinking like everyone else. Just because the child is or is going to be new to the world, doesn't automatically make pastels his or her favorite colors! Instead, you should opt for a slightly more colorful wardrobe for the infant. Allowing the child to look wonderful from day one! While most mass-merchant stores will offer little to be desired for newborn infants, outside of the pastel color pallet. So many online retailers are now wising up to the fact that, many parents don't enjoy dressing their child like every other infant out there. Now, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with pastels; but remember.. As with anything, there should be a limit to how much pastel you have in any wardrobe. However, much is to be said about anything different in infant clothing. Whether it be a rock-and-roll band logo one piece, all the way down to a miniature Rastafarian hat; anything can go with that beautiful little face of a child. Simply making the effort to search for something a little different, or uncommon will be appreciated.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Another great way to obtain that perfect uncommon baby gift for those soon-to-be parents, is by purchasing a different sort of "gift basket". Many people will be scrambling to give the new parents dozens of shower-theme baby baskets, all of which won't be used up by the time the infant turns eighteen years of age. Instead, you might opt to purchase a safety gift basket. While it isn't your standard gift basket, it will be one that will be much appreciated by the parents. Many expectant parents don't begin to think about baby-proofing their home, until it is just before their child begins to crawl around. Take it from me, this lack of preparation can be expensive up front. One day you are sitting on the couch, playing with your baby; until he or she takes their first wobbly crawling steps. Then the idea pops into your head " baby proofing!", as though it had slipped from your mind; you then rush to the store to shell out nearly hundreds of dollars in one blow. For this reason, safety kits should be the first on your list of uncommon baby gifts! While the parents might not appreciate it as much up front, once their little tike begins to take those first steps; you will be the one they are thanking!

Uncommon Baby Clothes and Gifts
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Special Price!!! Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield

Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield
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Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield <<

Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield Feature

  • Accommodates most tandem stroller makes and models
  • Helps protect child form rain, snow, wind and cold weather
  • Convenient essentials pocket
  • Storage bag included
  • Weather shield

Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield Overview

Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield Protect your little ones from the cold and rain with the Tandem Stroller Weather Shield. This weather shield protects against rain, snow, wind, and cold weather. Air holes on both sides provide plenty of ventilation.

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Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield

Limited Offer Today!! Jeep Tandem Stroller Weather Shield Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Milwaukee Bits

Irish Baby Names - History and Origin

The meaning of baby names of irish origin lies
hundreds of years back in the Irish gaelic language
of the ancient Celts who migrated from Central Europe
before the foundation of the Roman Empire.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

The Celts Dominant

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Those Celts who came to Britain, France and Ireland
were dominant for a long period. With the spread of
the Roman Empire, the Celts gradually were pushed back
into North Western France (modern Brittany with its
distinct Breton language), Western Britain (Cornwall
and Wales), Northern Britain (Isle of Man and Scotland),
and the island of Ireland which was never conquered by
the Romans.

As a result of Ireland's separate development from Roman
influence, the gaelic language and way of life was much
less diluted than in Scotland or Wales. Again the influence
of the Anglo-Normans and later the English was less in
Ireland because of the difficulty of establishing control
in the country other than a few coastal towns such as

The English kings' governor sat in Dublin Castle issuing
edicts against native Irish habits in dress, custom and
language, only to have them ignored in about 80% of the
country with the exception of the areas around Dublin
called The Pale where the English army held sway.

Gradual English Control

This situation continued for hundreds of years until the
English asserted an uneasy control at the end of the 17th
century with the defeat of James 11 at the Battle of the
Boyne by William of Orange (the Dutch Protestant prince who
was offered the English throne by Parliament)in 1690.

So the first name origins of Irish Christian names and
surnames lie overwhelmingly in this gaelic Celtic culture
which was totally dominant until the end of the 19th century.
Only at this point do we see English culture making inroads
in language, games and of course in first name origins.

In fact, this was not voluntary as primary schools were
established in all the major towns from the 1830's onwards
where English was the only language of instruction and Irish
gaelic was forbidden.First name origins of Celtic descent
gradually declined and English baby names became popular for
the first time.

Irish Revival

By the end of the 19th century, Irish was in crisis and
English totally dominant in all the commercial, legal and
cultural spheres of Irish life. At this time organisations
to stem the English tide were established such as the Gaelic
Athletic Association(to foster the games of hurling and
gaelic football), and the Gaelic League to prevent the
decline of the Irish language.

This brings us up to the present where the meaning of baby
names of most first names in Ireland are English in origin or
anglicisations of native Irish names.This bilingual melange
will continue. It remains to be seen whether first name origins
of Irish gaelic ancestry will increase as they have been doing,
or whether the sea of Anglo-American influence will predominate.

(c) John Lynch

Irish Baby Names - History and Origin
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Special Price!!! Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller

Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller
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Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller <<

Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller Feature

  • Ventilation - they are breathably safe
  • Easy to use, easy to store and easy to clean
  • They are see-through baby can see out and parent can see in at all times
  • Perfect gift for baby showers
  • Parent friendly: Allows for easy caring of baby while in use

Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller Overview

Sasha's rain and wind covers are products designed for parents to use to protect their baby/child's delicate eyes, skin and body from the rain, wind, sleet and snow, the cold, dust and debris, and flying insects. They are waterproof, have holes for ventilation, and are easy to attach. They allow parents to see in and children to see out at all times.

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This Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller

Limited Offer Today!! Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Baby Monitors Have Come a Long Way

Everyone with a baby should have a baby monitor. This way you do not have to constantly walk in their room to check on them. Listening to a baby monitor can keep you from waking them up every time you go in their room. Waking up a baby out of a sound sleep can be upsetting to both you and your baby.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Baby monitors are practical too. There was a time though, that having a baby monitor could result in you either calling 911 or thinking that you were going crazy. Before the improvements were made, your monitor could pick up signals from other baby monitors and phone lines. As you walked though the house cleaning up, you were caught off guard by hearing voices from beyond. Startled and thrown off, it took awhile to realize that the voices were coming through the monitor. Eventually, you looked forward to hearing what your neighbors were saying about their finances and love life.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Baby monitor manufacturers have made tremendous improvements in them and you are no longer able to hear strange conversations from beyond. The new digital monitors are static free and very stylish. In fact, Philips has a DECT Digital Baby monitor that has rave reviews. They are static free and have two way communications. The Philips DECT standard (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) is what is used in cordless telephones for zero signal interference.

Since the digital baby monitors do emit some type of radiation, although it is very low, keep your digital monitor as far away from your baby as possible. Keeping it somewhere on a dresser in their room is perfect. As far as the base is concerned, you no longer have to keep it away from the microwave. The older technology created a buzzing noise from your monitor every time you turned on the microwave. The digital monitors do not do this. Feel free to heat up lunch without waking up the neighborhood.

New and improved baby monitors are a blessing for both you and your baby. Knowing that your baby is safe and sound, sleeping in their room allows you to get more done without having to disturb them. The monitors are so quiet; you may even be able to catch a nap yourself.

Baby Monitors Have Come a Long Way
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller
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Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller <<

Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller Feature

  • Turns infant car seat into stroller
  • Carries all baby trend and most major brands of infant car seats
  • Folds compact for storage and travel
  • Extra large storage basket
  • Rear wheels with brakes

Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller Overview

Baby Trend Single Snap-N-Go No need to disturb your baby during the transition from car to stroller. Just snap your baby's car seat into this high-riding stroller frame with parent tray and super-sized storage basket -- and off you go. Designed to accommodate most infant car seats, this lightweight superstar has an easy, one-handed fold that makes it simple to stow, even with a child in your arms. It has a front suspension, dual locking front-swivel wheels, and rear brakes to make stop-and-go s

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This Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller

Limited Offer Today!! Baby Trend Single Snap N' Go Stroller Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze

Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze
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Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze

>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze <<

Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze Feature

  • Adjustable reclining seat with 3-point quick release buckle
  • Extra large stroage basket
  • Removable child tray with cup holder
  • Removable parent tray with cup holders
  • New style canopy to block sun

Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze Overview

The Kolcraft Lite Sport stroller is perfect for when you need something light and easy while on the go%2E The reclining seat%2C removable child tray with cup holder%2C and umbrella canopy make any trip more enjoyable for your child%2C while the one%2Dhand fold%2C large storage space%2C and removable parent tray with two cup holders provide convenience for you%2E The Lite Sport stroller only weighs 12 lbs%2E and is JPMA certified%2E

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This Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze

Limited Offer Today!! Kolcraft Lite Sport Lightweight Stroller, Blaze Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon

Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon
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>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon <<

Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon Feature

  • Removable seat easily reverses to face parent or to face forward
  • Included car seat attachment fits most infant car seats
  • Child cup holder swings out of the way for easy seat access, then right back in for drink accessibility
  • Canopy adjusts to accommodate growing child's height
  • Multi-position reclining seat with height adjustable 5-point harness

Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon Overview

Kolcraft Contours Options 3 Wheeler StrollerThe redesigned Contours Options 3 Wheeler is all about attracting attention. Its reversible seat always gives baby a perfect view and comfortable ride. This single stroller includes an infant car seat attachment, 8" front single swivel and 12" rear never flat wheels. The child cup holder swings out of the way for easy seat access and then right back in for drink accessibility.

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Available In Stock.

This Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon

Order Now Contours Options 3 Wheeler Stroller II, Cinnamon Best Price at

Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red

Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red
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>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red <<

Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red Feature

  • Quick fold design
  • Aluminum frame with shock absorbing suspension
  • Extra wide reclining seat, oversized sun canopy
  • One-step link parking brake, large storage basket
  • Includes parent organizer, running leash, tire pump and rain cover

Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red Overview

Zoom 360 - Red

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This Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red

Order Now Joovy Zoom360 Swivel Wheel Jogging Stroller Red Best Price at

Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley

Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley
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>> Click here to update Cheapest prices for Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley <<

Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley Feature

  • Reversible seat can face forward or face parent, seat reclines and features height adjustable 5-point harness for safety and padded sleeves for comfort
  • Infant car seat attachment (included) fits most brands on the market
  • Child cup holder and front bar removes quickly for in and out convenience plus new Easy-Reach parent tray has deeper, ventilated cup holders
  • Height adjustable Sunrider canopy includes a peek-in window
  • Easy trigger allows for quick fold and upright stand

Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley Overview

Turn strolling time into bonding time with the Contours Options 3 Wheeler. This stroller features a reversible seat that allows your baby to face you or face forward as your child grows. Using the infant car seat attachment you can easily design your travel system. The Contours Options 3 Wheeler now includes a child cup holder, height adjustable canopy and simpler fold!Featured in Southern Child Magazine's Savvy Stroller Guide April/May 2011

Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley Specifications

The Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller is a durable, lightweight stroller that's easy to maneuver. With an infant car seat attachment, forward- or rear-facing seat, and adjustable five-point harness, this stroller is adaptable from infancy to childhood. Convenient features like a three-position seat recline, adjustable foot rest, and weather canopy offer comfort for your baby while parents and caregivers will appreciate the quick-fold triggers with a built-in, upright stand for easy folding.

callout top with logo
3 Wheel Stroller
At a Glance:
Age/Weight Requirements: Newborn (with infant car seat adaptor) and up. Seat accomodates up to 50 lbs.

Assembly Requirements: Some assembly required

Warranty: One-year warranty

Ideal For:
Who: Families or parents who spend a lot of time on-the-go

What: Providing a secure, comfortable way for baby
to travel

Where: Parks, sidewalks,
or the mall
callout bottom
Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley Product Shot
Its large canopy keeps your baby protected from the sun, while its adjustable footrest and recline offer comfort during the ride. View larger.
Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley Product Shot
This lightweight stroller folds easily for convenient portability and storage.
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Reversible Seat Adapts to Your Growing Baby

Whether you're running errands or taking a relaxing walk, the Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller offers a smooth ride for your little one. A reversible seat adapts to your developing child. You can spend valuable face-to-face time with your infant or turn the seat forward so your eager toddler can explore the world.

A five-point safety harness is fully adjustable for a snug, custom fit for your child at any age. The stroller is certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturer's Association (JPMA) for meeting safety standards.

Fits with Most Major Infant Car Seats

The stroller includes an infant car seat attachment that fits most major car seat brands so you can easily attach it to the stroller's frame. For added safety, restraint straps keep the car seat securely in place. A removable head rest pad made from soft micro-fleece helps to support newborns.

Easy Maneuverability with Quick-Fold Mechanism

The three-wheel design allows for easy steering through busy crowds and traffic. Plus, the front wheel can be locked for traveling over rougher terrain. Designed to never go flat, the 12-inch rear wheels provide a smooth, even ride. You can quickly activate the stroller's brake by simply pushing your foot down on the brake bar.

When you get home, the stroller folds with an easy-to-use fold mechanism. Ideal for narrow spaces, the stroller features an upright stand that keeps it in place.

Adjustable Canopy and Foot Rest for a Comfortable Ride

A large canopy includes a peek-in window and shields your child from sun and rain. Not only does it tilt open and closed, but is also height adjustable so it accommodates your child as he or she grows taller. The stroller offers three different seating positions including a gentle recline position, so it's ideal for baby taking naps during walks. For added comfort, the stroller is equipped with an adjustable footrest, while the child cup holder is perfect for sippy cups or bottles.

Parent-Friendly Features for Convenience

The roomy adult tray with a storage well and two ventilated cup holders is designed with busy parents and caregivers in mind. The soft-grip stroller handle is comfortable to use, while a large, under-the-seat storage basket is great for shopping bags, a diaper bag, or your purse. The seat's front bar removes easily for quick access to your child.

The Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller is backed by a manufacturer's limited one-year warranty.

Kolcraft: All About Family

Founded in 1946 in Chicago, IL, Kolcraft is a family-owned company dedicated to bringing quality baby products to families around the world. Starting with crib mattresses for children and blossoming to new categories such as high chairs, walkers, strollers, and swings, Kolcraft continues to offer products grounded in smart design and produced with safe, durable materials. Kolcraft's current partners include brand names such as Sealy, Contours, Jeep, and Sesame Street.

What's in the Box

Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller (Berkley), infant car seat adapter, child cup holder, removable child head rest pad and padded harness sleeve covers, parent tray, and instruction manual.

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Contours Options 3 Wheel Stroller, Berkley

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Research Shows Pacifiers Help Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

When pacifiers first came out they were not the best resource to give to an infant. Many mothers had concerns that their baby's teeth were at a greater risk of tooth decay because of the use of a pacifier. So with that being said, many mothers were not encouraging there infants to use them.  Today, however research shows that using a pacifier every time you place your baby down to sleep can greatly reduce the risk of SIDS.   Here are some simple steps for safe effective pacifier use:  

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

* Offer a pacifier at nap time and nighttime. This will give your baby the most protection against SIDS.  

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

* It's recommended that you wait one month to offer a pacifier if you are breastfeeding mom. Be sure your baby is nursing well first - the risk of SIDS is very low during the first month.  

* Never use a pacifier to replace nursing or feeding, Offer a pacifier after a feeding when you put your baby down to sleep.  

* Don't worry about putting the pacifier back in your baby's mouth if it falls out. Babies that use a pacifier regularly are protected, even if it falls out after they fall asleep.  

* Don't force your baby to take a pacifier. Continue trying over several weeks before giving up.  

* Never coat your baby's pacifier with anything sweet as this could damage your baby's teeth.  

* Don't use a string or anything else to attach a pacifier around your baby's neck or to clothing. This could choke your baby.  

* They also recommend that after the first year you should start limiting the pacifier. 

Since, the first year is were SIDS typically happens. The risk of SIDS is very low after the 1st year so your baby doesn't need to suck on a pacifier as much anymore. With the information on how to properly use a pacifier with your baby you can use it to help protect your baby against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Research Shows Pacifiers Help Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Contours Lite Stroller, Blush
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Contours Lite Stroller, Blush Feature

  • Luxurious, plush velour seats with high density fabric keeps your baby comfortable
  • Stroller is only 15.5 pounds and offers convenient free-stand design stands when folded-compact fold: 19 x 25 x 34
  • Parent cup holder keeps your drink close by while child snack tray with drink holder rotates for easy child access
  • Multi-position reclining seat and offers height adjustable 5-point harness for safety and padded sleeves for comfort
  • 6" front single swivel and 8" rear wheels for easy maneuvering

Contours Lite Stroller, Blush Overview

Contours Lite stroller compact and lightweight frame goes from planes%2C trains to automobiles with ease%2E The single front casters and large rear wheels steer clear of crowds or sidewalk bumps making 1%2Dhand maneuverability a breeze%2E

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Contours Lite Stroller, Blush

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Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller

Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller
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Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller Feature

  • Ventilation - they are breathably safe
  • Easy to use, easy to store and easy to clean
  • They are see-through baby can see out and parent can see in at all times
  • Perfect gift for baby showers
  • Parent friendly: Allows for easy caring of baby while in use

Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller Overview

Sasha's rain and wind covers are products designed for parents to use to protect their baby/child's delicate eyes, skin and body from the rain, wind, sleet and snow, the cold, dust and debris, and flying insects. They are waterproof, have holes for ventilation, and are easy to attach. They allow parents to see in and children to see out at all times.

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Sashas Rain and Wind Cover for Kolcraft Contours Options/Optima Tandem Stroller

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5 Best Infant Strollers For 2010-2011

Infant strollers are very popular and there are many types that you can go for. This is why it is not all that easy to find the perfect one for your own child, particularly when you also need to take into account things such as the safety options, the added features, the prices and the stroller type and design. So here are a few strollers for your infant reviewed so you have an easier start when choosing the best one for your child.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Chicco Cortina Keyfit Travel System - This is available with a combination of a car seat and stroller in one. The price is around 5 at Amazon and it has some good ratings, averaging 4.5 at the various online shops.
Craco Quattro Travel System - This is another travel system that is very popular with many parents. They are extremely comfortable for your baby and quite convenient for the moms as well. It is also a stroller - car seat combo in many colors and prints. It retails at up to 0 and it also rates at 4.5 on average.
First Year Ignite Baby - This is a cheaper alternative for those that are rather strapped for cash. Retailing at around , it is still a very good stroller. However it has less safety features than the more expensive versions out there. It is, nevertheless, well loved and it rates 4.5 at online shops.
Graco Alano Travel System - Another Graco brand, this travel system is is somewhere between the more expensive brands and the cheaper one, with a price at around 0. Usually Amazon has the cheapest prices on this brand, so if you want to get it, check it out there. Being very popular with many parents, it rates at full 5 starts online. One of the reason is because it has a mid range price that suits most parents who want the best of both worlds: a good stroller at a great price.
Kolcraft Contours Tandem - This one is a multipurpose stroller that is quite durable and long lasting. Of course the price reflects that, as it costs around 5, making it a higher ticked item, however it has more options than the previous ones. It allows removing one seat so the stroller can be easily turned into a single one, depending on the number of children to be taken out. Also this item is very easily added in most cars as it accommodates almost all car seats that are available on the market nowadays.

Kolcraft Baby Strollers

5 Best Infant Strollers For 2010-2011
Kolcraft Baby Strollers

Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush
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Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush Feature

  • Reversible seat can face forward or face parent, seat reclines and features height adjustable 5-point harness for safety and padded sleeves for comfort
  • Infant car seat attachment (included) fits most brands on the market
  • Child cup holder and front bar removes quickly for in and out convenience plus new Easy-Reach parent tray has deeper, ventilated cup holders
  • Height adjustable Sunrider canopy includes a peek-in window
  • Easy trigger allows for quick fold and upright stand

Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush Overview

Turn strolling time into bonding time with the Contours Options 3 Wheeler%2E This stroller features a reversible seat that allows your baby to face you or face forward as your child grows%2E You can also easily design a custom travel system using your favorite infant car seat with included Infant car seat attachment%2E Now includes a child cup holder%2C height adjustable canopy and simpler fold%21 Large storage basket%2E JPMA Certified Stroller weighs just 25 pounds%2EOnly use this product in the reclined position until child can sit up unassisted%2E 50 pounds%2E maximum child weight%2EAccommodates the following infant car seats %28infant car seat not included%29%3ABritax Chaperone%2CChicco KeyFit%2CChicco KeyFit 30%2CCombi Shuttle 33%2CCosco First Ride DX%2CCosco Starter%2CEvenflo Discovery%2CEvenflo Discovery 5%2CEvenflo Embrace%2CEvenflo Embrace 5%2CEvenflo Embrace 5 LX%2CEvenflo Serenade%2CGraco Safe Seat%2CGraco SnugRide Infant%2CGraco SnugRide 32%2CGraco SnugRide 35%2CMaxi%2DCosi Mico%2CPeg Perego Primo Viaggio%2CPeg P%E9rego%2CPrimo Viaggio SIP%2CSafety 1st Designer 22%2CSafety 1st onBoard 35%2CThe trademarks above are the property of their respective owners%2E They are not associated with Kolcraft Enterprises%2C Inc%2E and no approval by them is to be implied%2E

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Contours Options 3-Wheel Stroller, Blush